Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Little Christmas Window Movie

Here is a little movie of me at work in the window of Hodges Figgis.
I have transferred this from FaceBook so I hope it will work here.
Happy Christmas everybody.


Mother (Re)produces. said...

I admire your concentration, being able to paint with people looking over your shoulder. I'm too distractible.

Beautiful work, as ever. Hope you're having a nice holiday!

PJ Lynch said...

Many thanks Mother (Re)produces
I actually quite enjoyed the company!
Happy New Year

Adrian Underwood said...

PJ, This painting and the visit to you at the bookshop by Catherine McAuley students has inspired my daughter and her reading is going from strength to strength.

Thank you and regards.
Adrian Underwood.

PJ Lynch said...

Hi Adrian
Delighted to hear that
Best wishes