The film of my presentation at Offset 2009 has just gone online.
The talk is basically a review of my work and career up to that point.
Offset is a major international design and illustration conference, and I was honoured to be invited to take part in it's inaugural year.
This video brings back some very happy memories of a great weekend.
Many thanks to BrenB and the Offset team.
Wow! What a joy that was to watch, PJ. A great presentation on a great body of work. Thank you so much for postingand sharing the wonderful road that you have taken as an artist/illustrator.
You're an inspiration, my friend. Keep up the amazing work.
Inspired, James
Ps. By the way, don't ever put that paint box away.
Many thanks James, I'm delighted you liked it.
I haven't been able to bring myself to watch it yet though.
very best regards
Excellente chose que cette présentation, qui permet de mettre un visage et une voix sur une oeuvre !
Bravo !
Merci beaucoup Marc.
Je suis ravie que ça vous a plu.
meilleurs vœux
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