Monday, February 20, 2012

A First Try-Out for Melisande

I've had cause recently to go through my archive of original illustrations.
That word "archive" makes it sound a lot more neatly organized than it actually is I'm afraid.
I came across this painting which was my first effort at illustrating Melisande.
It appears that I was setting the book back in medieval times, but I am glad that when I really got into the process I updated the costumes a bit.
I still like this one though, and I am surprised that the composition didn't get used in the book somewhere.


  1. Dear Mr Lynch,

    I've discovered your art about twenty years ago, I've loved and still do. I'm an artist from France, here the kind of vison you developped is not represented, I mean by french artists. In fact my orientations go mostly to the anglo saxon type of techniques of representation and atmospheres.
    Artists like Maxfield Parrish or Arthur Rackham still impress me even if they are artists from another time for now.

    To have an ideea about what I'm doing I let you here a blog with my illustrtion works:

    With all my respect for you and your art

    Nicolas Mocan

  2. Hi Nicolas
    Many thanks for your kind comment.
    It's interesting that there are different styles in different countries, but I'm not sure about anglo saxon.
    Like you, I relate a lot to the work of the great US illustrators like Parrish, but I do think Rackham was an exception in Britain rather than being one of a school of artists.
    I lookes at you work. It's very impressive.
    very best wishes
