I don't often return to fiddle with paintings I have painted from life.
One of the best things about a life session is that it imposes a time restriction on you, and whatever you can do there in front of the model has a truth and honesty about it that is very apparent. Working up a picture afterwards can make it look slick and over-finished.
Sometimes though, I do make literal or mental notes to myself for bits of work that can be done later in the studio.
In this case I felt that the study of Grace was looking good, but because I had been working with a very restricted palette, the whole could do with a warm glaze or two.
So, when the study was dry I added Liquin glazes tinted with various reds, and browns. Needless to say, I fiddled about with the image, but in this case I think it served to make for a simpler, stronger image.