Tuesday, November 3, 2015

PJ Lynch "Across the Atlantic Tour"

At the beginning of November in 1620, the Mayflower and her passengers were nearing the end of their gruelling voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. It took them 66 days.
This weekend I'll be going the easy way, by plane, and it shouldn't take much more than 7 hours. 
What a difference 395 years makes!

The lovely people at Candlewick Press will be bringing me around New England to talk about The Boy Who Fell Off the Mayflower, or John Howland's Good Fortune. I love the cool name they have for my tour!

I will be visiting a lot of schools but there will be bookstore appearances and public events as well;

On Sunday morning Nov 8th, I will be at Plimoth Plantation, that wonderful living history museum that was such an inspiration to me in the making of my book.

Nov 9th and 10th there will be various events at Water Street BookstoreExeter, NH. 
See their website for details.

On Nov 11th at 7pm I will be doing a public event at Porter Square Books25 White Street, Cambridge, Massachusetts.

And just before I return home I will be appearing on the 14th Nov I will be at the Connecticut Children’s Book Fair at Storrs, CT.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello!
    I'm such a great fan of your work and I have bought many books just because you've illustrated them. I wanted to know if you've ever painted/illustrated to the story "The little matchstick girl" by H.C. Andersen? Its such a sad story and I can only imagine how beautiful you would draw that poor little girl and her visions.

    Also how does one contact you in order for you to illustrate a book for example? How much does that cost?

    Grateful for a reply Maria Flygare, a huge fan from Sweden
    (P.S. Your "Contact" email adress on your website doesn't work so one can't buy and/or come in contact with you in any way from there, maybe you'd want to fix that.)

  3. Thanks so much Marlean, I am delighted you like my work.
    This is as close as i have gotten to the Little Match Girl. This one is from an Oscar Wilde story.
    I haven't read the HCA for a while, and I think it might just be too sad. I need to do more cheerful work.

    "Also how does one contact you in order for you to illustrate a book for example? How much does that cost? "
    If you have a story the best thing is to send it to my publishers. Either Walker Books or Candlewick Press.If they like the story they will look after the budget. I don't do book illustration for private individuals.

    Many thanks for the heads up re that dead link. My website is a bit rubbish and will be updated soon.
    Very best wishes

  4. You are right in that the Matchstick girl is sad but what about Cinderella or Sapsorrow? I loved your East of the sun and west of the moon. And too bad you dont do illustrations to private individuals. :(
