Thursday, August 29, 2013

Une Femme Fatale

This is a detail from the large oil painting that is on my easel at the moment.
She is a beautiful but sinister femme fatale type.
I am hoping to get together a good few of these ladies for an exhibition to be organized by my friend Olivier in Paris at some stage in the future.


  1. Hello PJ Lynch,
    I am a high school student and have greatly admired your illustration work since childhood. I was wondering what major you studied at college? Was it Painting or Illustration? Because I really want to learn to be able to paint beautiful illustrations from imagination and showing stories, like you do.

  2. Hi Anonymous
    Thanks for you message, and I'm delighted that you like my work.
    I studied Illustration at Brighton in the UK.
    Be careful what courses you choose because there are few enough that even teach the basic techniques. I would say I learned most about watercolour ( which I use for my illustrations) for fellow students and artists.
    Best of luck with your illustration career
