Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Giuseppe Resolved

I fixed up a few things that were bothering me about that painting I did of Giuseppe at my last Portrait Sketch Workshop at Kennedy Art.
Working on a picture when the model is no longer there is not something I ever recommend my students should do. You always tend to loose more in terms of freshness than you make up for in in terms of finish. And, true to form, I have probably overworked this one. 
That said, there were areas that I had noted that needed attention but which I didn't have time to fix during the life session, and it's nice to have resolved those. The dome of the head and the shape of the neck were the main issues.

My workshop in August is booked out and the one on September 14th is booking up fast.
Contact Kennedy's if you'd like to come along to join us for that one. 
Hopefully I will be able to devote more time to the demo element at each of those workshops.
ph  + 353 (1) 475 1749