Friday, June 24, 2011

Hell on Earth in Tipperary

Many thanks to Steve Richardson for this in situ photo of my Hell on Earth poster advertising the Irish Examiner.
This one was in Tipperary.
I think the setting, on a shabby wall in a typical small Irish town is a particularly apposite for this image.
I can't help wondering what local folk on their way to mass might make of the poster.


  1. I LOVE IT! Hope it stays up for a good long time.

  2. good to see this. it looks great! what size was the original? i am wondering what line the paper is going to take with this poster which seems to be suggesting priests are victims especially in today's climate....

  3. Thanks Amal and Rahina,
    The original is only about 80 x 40 cm.
    I think the idea is that all priests have suffered a huge loss in status in Irish society, from being revered to being in many cases reviled.
    Some who actively offended against their parishioners or those who colluded in covering up those crimes, obviously deserve this revulsion.
    But there are many good priests who are having a hard time now because of the appalling behaaviour of others.
    If I have made you wonder about what is in the newspaper, Rahina, then I think the poster works.
    All the best

  4. Hi PJ, I think it's the first time I leave a comment. This is a great, great work. I love your paintings and I like very much to read your blog.

  5. Not unlike the one of St Michael the archangel going into battle against numerous demons
