Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My Boozy Celtic Heroine

I don't do a lot of ad jobs, but I was attracted to the idea of this one.
Binge drinking is a huge problem in Ireland and still our pub culture seems to be one of the biggest draws we have as a tourist destination.
To advertise a series of articles addressing the issue that will run in The Irish Examiner from Friday, I was asked to provide an image of a Celtic heroine who has had a few too many.
There is a full page ad in the Examiner to-day.
I had a lot of fun doing the research and the painting, and with a really tight deadline it was a great change from my usual children's book work.


  1. So good... I really like the Alphonse Mucha with a twist look of the illustration :-)

  2. Thanks Daniel.
    Mucha was mentioned in the brief, but the client was thinking a lot more about a terrific Ireish artist called Jim FitzPatrick.

  3. Dear PJ,
    ~(*o*)~!!& ʚ(ˆ◡ˆ)ɞ!!
    Cheers, Sadami

  4. Must get a copy of the Examiner! I like the mix of inspiration. It is clearly Mucha-esque, but I can see Jim FitzPatrick in it too. Mr. FitzPatrick has had a stranglehold on the more celtic Irish art for far too long now! Mind you, his Chuchulain at Croke Park is pretty great...

  5. Wow, I did not know the work of Jim FitzPatrick, thanks for pointing that out P.J.

  6. Excellent!
    Great image, I imagine it was the idea, to break strikingly the mystical atmosphere of Celtic heroes. I can't help but to feel a little bit sad for the heroine... (sigh! ;))
    I was thinking Mucha as well until Jim FitzPatrick was mentioned, so true.

    Kind regards

  7. Just saw the hoarding version on Brilliant.

  8. Delighted that you all liked this one. And I'm really pleased to introduce you to Jim's work Daniel. He's a great hero of mine.
    I haven't seen his Chuchullain yet Jay...I'm sure it's amazing.
    Don't feel sorry for her at all Olivia...she has got another full can of beer there.
    Thanks again guys...regards PJ

  9. the can on her left hand is now different on the sketch!
