Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A Rather Patrician Nude

Here's a recent male nude.
This model, John, had a wonderfully patrician look about him I thought. It would have been great to have painted him in a toga.


  1. Dear PJ,
    Lovely, so lovely and sensitive work. I feel your humane eye for him. Thank you for sharing.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  2. Hi PJ,

    Looking to email you the info about the print workshop I was telling you about yesterday, but cant seem to find an email address for you anywhere!

    If you can email it to Trev's address or mine at dolan at dolanphotography.com

  3. Thanks for the comments guys.
    So pleased that you like the picture Sadami.

    My website was down for a day Ciaran.
    I'll contact you but the address is info@pjlynchgallery.com for future reference.
