Friday, March 5, 2010

Life Painting of Martin

I haven't posted any life paintings for a while, so here's a recent one of Martin, who is one of Dublin's best-known life models and a very sweet guy.
I don't like to mess about with life paintings after the session, but even while I was working on this painting, I knew I would have to bring the skin tones together with a few warm glazes. I also tidied up the background.


  1. lovely, PJ. and very interesting to compare the 2 treatments.

  2. Do you remember giving the tea bag and cracked varnish treatment to a (Singer Sargent?) portrait of you that you fooled poor Mr Maguire with? You still have it?

  3. Thanks for the comments guys.
    I'll dig out that self-portrait I did back in our school days Ciaran. It will make an interesting post.
    All the best
