Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Real Snow in Dublin!

It's nice to have a bit of snow, but it hasn't been great for me getting back to work. My studio (above) has been pretty bloomin' cold so, even with the heaters on full, I'm actually having to work in a big coat and two pairs of pants. Now I just need a pair of fingerless gloves.
On top of everything my computer has just died.... I think it froze to death at the weekend.
Hopefully verything will be back to normal very soon.


  1. Oh no, PJ! Your studio is absolutely beautiful and the creations that come from it are even more beautiful, but to paint in the cold...that can be a tough thing. I'm sure you're not painting snow scenes. Paint a golden pasture with rolling hills (similar to the Beeman) and perhaps the studio will warm up. I feel for you man, but an artist you are and an artist you shall be and a great one at that! But your studio, it looks like a very special place and with the snow around it, it reminds me of wood shop in "The Miracle of Janathan Toomey". Stay warm my friend and paint something warm. Remember, you are always in your paintings.

    Happy New Year, PJ and may it be a very special one for you and your work and for your family, of course.


  2. Your studio looks like one of the places in your paintings! And - two pants is good. Fool-proof.

  3. The world's a little haywire... In Oz it's been 45'C and too hot to venture up to this studio for a week. Somewhere between the two extremes would be perfect. If you send some snow I'll send some sunshine... Can you get Ug boots in Ireland? Perfect for winter painting.
    I'm absolutely loving your rediscovered drawings on envelopes et al - a little time-tinting and wear just seems to add to them.
    x e

  4. It's a beautiful pain. Snow drifts the height of the studio have been here for weeks. I rely on a tacky looking Amish/Chinese heater that's great provided you're w/in 6" of it, which I am. To be honest, it keeps me quite toasty and so far I don't see a dent in the heating bill. The company's claim is that it will not consume more electricity than the computer.

  5. Now is the time to buy an Apple.
    Insulation in the walls will help in the future for the cold...and heat...moderates both...and keeps the toes, back and hands warmer...
    computers love the cold...they work faster...maybe time for a Mac....have had my iMac...the aluminum one coming on four years this August...not one thing wrong...other than my doing...unlike my PC...during the same time...the repairs...could have bought two Macs all in all when I total up the repair bills...Buy a mac...
