Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cottage Plank Door

Speaking of almost empty pictures, here is an oil painting which is simply a study of light falling on a plank door in an old cottage.
I can't quite believe I painted this one.
I love the formal arrangement of planes, and the nice sketchy rendering of the door itself.
I hope to do a lot more simple and evocative pieces like this.


  1. Mr Lynch,
    This is really good.

    I picked up Gift of the Magi yesterday and I can see how oil painting is influencing your watercolor work...which looks great in the new book!

    One question I have is what colors do you use on your watercolor palette? That is something I have always wondered.

    Thanks again,

  2. I love the fall of light and neutral shades. It's lovely.

    There's nothing like a closed door for a bit of mystery: I'm going to call the kids to sit here with me and make up stories about the Door. What's behind it? Who will come through it?

  3. Hi Mike and Susan
    Thanks so much for the kind comments .
    Re the palette It varies very much according to the picture.
    But there's always Raw Umber, Burnt Sienna, and Van Dyke Brown, Sap Green and Olive Green, Prussian and Antwerp blues, Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson, Yellow Ochre. No Black and various colours I have lying around.
    Re the Door, Yes I like the muted colours here.
    The story is for you to add. I hope it doesn't include Whisky/ Whiskey.
    Best wishes

  4. I love all of your work work, but this one is especially beautiful. Very sombre and contemplative.

  5. Beautiful! A very different work in terms of mood, Andrew Wyeth "Cooling Shed" 1953 . I am sure you are familiar with the piece but thought it might be interesting to look at with your painting. Both masterful in the use of and the range of white.

  6. Thanks for that Christopher,
    I must have seen the Wyeth picture in a book at some stage.
    His compositions are so daring, and the tonal control is superb in the one you mentioned.
    Thanks again, you are too kind.

  7. Many thanks for that Matthew,
    Good luck with the move to Keene. I've been to the Children's Literature Festival there a couple of times.
    Lovely place, great people.
