Friday, March 14, 2008

A wax and watercolour portrait of Pete Suart

Here's a portrait I did of Pete Suart, a friend from my student days in Brighton.
I used  wax crayons for the highlights before applying the blue watercolour washes.
I think this picture certainly reflects aspects of the subject's intensity.
Back in the 1980s, Pete was a terrific artist but he was also deeply involved with music.
When I last heard from him, Pete was living in Hong Kong where he was recording and performing very avant garde music.
It's great that after so many years, I am now getting back into life drawing and portraiture in a big way.


  1. I like very much this portret!wax crayons highlights and watercolor after?something will never cross my mind in a milion year!Interesting tehnique!
    I hardly ''keep myself'' to not write a commnent on almost every post!You are an incredible artist!

  2. Hi Raluca
    Thank you so much for all your kind and encouraging comments.
    This is a variation on the wax resist technique that kids use.
    I did the sketch in pencil first, then added the wax lines, and finally painted over it all in watercolour.

    I still use kid's stubby crayons when I draw from life, they stop me going into too much detail.
    Thanks again
