Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dickens Exhibition in Bologna

Happy Birthday Charles Dickens!
OK it was yesterday, but I don't think he'll notice, he's two hundred after all.
This is a picture from the only Dickens book
I have illustrated, A Christmas Carol.
I am just packing the original of this and a bunch of others to send to Bologna for the big Dickens exhibition they are having during the Book Fair this year.
The exhibition is in the Casa Saraceni.
Sorry this post is sort of about Christmas again, but I have selected a very un-Christmassy image.


  1. Hi,PJ,
    Brilliant work and thank you for the info!

  2. Bravo PJ! So, I can see your original illustrations in Bologna, at last! Will you be there? I hope so.

  3. Unfortunately I won't be able to make it, Isabella.
    It's a shame as I would love to meet you and to see some of your beautiful work....It reminds me a lot of Shaun Tan, which is praise indeed!
    All the best

  4. Oh, what a pity. Well, Shaun Tan is a genius, I wish I could draw like him, and have the same fantasy... anyway thank you PJ
    maybe next time :)

  5. Hi! I saw your illustrations at Dickens exhibition and I like them so much. Congratulations :-)

  6. Hi Ilaria
    Thanks so much,
    I wish I had been there too,
    Best wishes
