Friday, January 28, 2011

The Princess and the Goblin

Here are another couple of finds from the studio clear out.
I did these very early on in my career when I was in discussions with a London publisher about illustrating The Princess and the Goblin by George MacDonald.
MacDonald was a very interesting writer, and it's a bit of a shame that this was another project that never got beyond the drawing board.
I had fun with the Goblins though, and will certainly revisit them at some time.


  1. Goblins are good! In your case, GREAT for the gnarly faces and growly grins. I do love the backlighting on the princess....its lovely.

  2. Dear PJ,
    Another lovely work. Colors and lights are so fascinating.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  3. Thanks Shiela and Sadami
    You are so kind
    Best wishes

  4. That's wonderful, PJ. There are so few good editions of MacDonald, despite him being as influential as any writer in his genre.

  5. did I miss these. What fine treasures that you have in your studio.
