Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Emma by the Mirror

Here's a higher resolution scan of a life painting of Emma that I showed developing in six steps before Christmas.
I will be adding this and a few other recent pieces to my FaceBook Life Paintings album.
I find it is a great place to keep an on-line record of a good selection of work.


  1. I found your blog through the Underpaintings blog. I really enjoy your life paintings. They are at once vibrant and subdued. The mirror ones are my favorites.

  2. Many thanks John,I'm delighted you like them.

    You have lovely painterly work going on on your blog, and I loved those sculptures,
    All the best

  3. beautiful colors, and i especially love the way you handled the reflection

  4. Dear PJ,
    Very fascinating work. The composition is so deliberate. Setting on a table, a little bin and ...your own easel's reflection. What a thoughtful artist you are!
    Kind regards, Sadami

  5. Hi Kendra and Sadami,
    It's always great to hear from you guys.

    I'm delighted that you like the painting...I'm not sure why the reflection makes such a difference to these pictures.
    It certainly has the effect of adding depth and defining space.
    There is the business of seeing two aspects of the same sitter, but my favourite thing from a technical point of view, is that the figure in the mirror, being more distant and of secondary importance in the composition, has to be painted less explicitly.
    So you sometimes get lovely carefree passages of painting that can work better than the main figure.

    There's no bin in there Sadami.
    I'll have to look to find where you are seeing it.
    Best wishes
