Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Artist's Mother

I've just noticed that the models in the last two posts have had very similar poses. Here is another one again with the hand supporting the head.
This time the model is my own beloved Mother.
She has modelled for me many times over the years when I've needed to take photos for characters in the books, but this is the first time she has sat patiently for me whilst I have painted her from life.
A still pose like this naturally brings out the thoughtful or even the sad side of a person's character, but I'm happy to say that my Mum still has plenty of laughs and fun as well.


  1. Dear PJ,
    Really, really lovely and sensitive work beautifully done. Thank you for sharing your precious treasure.
    Kind regards, Sadami

  2. This is absolutely beautiful, PJ. Wow...your oils just keep getting more amazing. What a wonderful thing to paint your mother, too. I have certainly seen her before in your book work.

  3. Many thanks Sadami and James,
    I'm delighted to have done this one of my Mum,you are right Sadami, it is a precious thing to have.
    Hopefully I will do more of her and other family members.
    I might post some of the pics my Mum posed for James.
    Best wishes

  4. Dear P.J,
    In 1991, I bought your book "East o' The Sun, West o' The Moon"
    published by GrĂ¼nd ( French edition ). I was so taken by your
    illustrations that I have since then followed your work very closely.
    If by any chance you happen to be in Paris, please do not hesitate to
    let me know. I would be honoured to offer you a beer!
    With friendly regards

  5. That's so kind of you Mark.
    I will definitely take you up on it if we ever can get a day or two away from the kids.
    In fact i have an old pal who is also an illustrator, Tom Byrne, living in Paris.
    I had a look at your blog. Lovely work.. I think we are both inspired by some of the same artists.
    Best regards

  6. This is just lovely--I adore the lights and the wonderful pose. It just says so much!
