Monday, November 9, 2009

Still Life of Old Books

I haven't posted a still life for a while.
Here's a slightly different one of a couple of old books.
It still has that quiet, uncluttered quality that I aim for with the still life paintings.


  1. Mr Lynch, lovely work, simple as that.

    Some great heavy paper here too

  2. Absolutely stunning, PJ. Your book still life has an old school look with a classic touch. Oh by the way, I hope your lecture was a hit. I would have loved to have heard it. Thank you for the inspiration once again, my friend.


  3. Hi Ciaran and James
    Thanks so much for those comments.
    Glad you liked that one.
    I love that Velazquez picture too.

    The lecture went really well thanks, and the great news is that the whole conference was recorded and will eventually go on-line.
    There are a few people whose presentations I would love to see. James Jean is top of my list, he's and amazing artist and a lovely guy.
    All the best

  4. I possibly shouldn't be allowed to comment because I'm bias on two counts - Firstly I'm undeniably smitten with your ability and your body of work and secondly I'm a bibliophile of epic proportions. I will try not to embarrass myself by gushing too profusely however and just say that it is very good indeed. In fact, considering your phenomenal skill at producing elaborate detail, this is subtle and restrained composition that definitely demonstrates that less, is indeed, more.

    It must be said that your paintings and illustrations bring me equal measures of joy and despair. Joy at their beauty and despair at my ongoing inability to produce anything as remotely exquisite. (laugh) Thank you, I think...

  5. Thanks so much Helga, and thanks for including me on your blog.
    I think your work is great too.
    Best wishes
