Friday, October 16, 2009

Two Pictures of Angelique

Here's another great drawing from my life drawing session, where the artist has included me in the background.It's always interesting to see how another artist tackles the same subject that I've been painting, and Oisín Roche has really surpassed himself with this charcoal and pastel study. He has included an extraordinary range of colour and tones, and has tied the whole composition together masterfully.

The painting that you can see me concentrating so hard on is shown below.
A rather more pedestrian effort than Oisín's, I'm afraid, I wasn't having a good morning.
The model is a very nice French girl named Angelique.


  1. I thought that was you in the background of that first painting. That's the beautiful thing when painting from life, all the different views of the subject give you a different painting. But I have to say PJ, I really like your painting. It has a great mood and I like the color scheme of it. Not to mention that it is beautifully rendered. Have you been working with oils for a while now? I noticed that your illustration work is mostly done in watercolor and gouache. It's amazing to see that your oils look just as great as your watercolors. Thank you once again for sharing your gift. I really enjoy your work and I can tell that you do too. Happy painting!

  2. Hi James
    Thanks for that nice comment.
    I've reworked that picture a little bit and will post it again later.
    I have always done the occasional oil painting, but got into it big time in the last few years,especially since I've been using the Liquin, the fast drying medium.
    Thanks again, I've been enjoying going through your own blog.

  3. Hello PJ,
    Thank you for the tip about the Liquin. My wife and I have been redoing our home this past year and we are hoping to make some more room so that I can paint some larger scale paintings. I've only worked in oil back in the school days but maybe I'll give it a try.

  4. I definately prefer your painting for the beautiful colouring and composition I would buy it,the other is like a camera snapshot photo with things obscuring the eye left and right.
