Friday, May 29, 2009

The Children of Lir

There's a sweet sadness when a favourite painting finds a new home.
This was an important picture for me in The Names Upon The Harp by Marie Heaney.
It illustrates the story of The Children of Lir, which is one of the three sorrows of Irish storytelling.
The children have a very bad time at the hands of their step-mother, and are turned into swans for nine hundred years.
At the end of which time they are turned back into humans, but they die soon after.
I chose to illustrate the scene where the four children, now old, old people, are laid to rest altogether in one grave.
It's a story I had interpreted once before as a postage stamp.


  1. There is something very authentic and transcendent in this image, PJ. I’m guessing it has some very personal connection for you, as that is what comes through for the viewer. No doubt that it will be valued and enjoyed in it’s new home.

  2. Many thanks for that, Candace.
    I think it always helps if you dig deep for that personal connection in an illustration of this type.
    I do always prefer to have paintings up on someone's wall rather than mouldering in storage, but I have to say, I was a bit surprised hat someone wanted to put an image like this one up.
    best wishes

  3. My heart leaped into my throat when I saw your wondrous painting. Such beauty,love and heartbreak; a powerful, powerful, image.

  4. Hi Susanne
    Many thanks for your kind comment. I'm so glad that my picture touched you

  5. This has always been one my favorite illustrations by you and one of my favorites of all time by any painter. It is so powerful and yet so peaceful at the same time. There is a sense of comfort seeing the Children of Lir lying in each others arms, even though in the grave, that really blows me away. When I first saw it, I knew that this had to be one of your favorites. Painted from the heart. You can see it,I see it in all your work. You are truly gifted, PJ, and I am deeply inspired when I look upon your illustrations. Thank you for that.

    Happy painting,


    Ps. One of these days, I will and must purchase a PJ Lynch original to hang in my studio. There is nothing like the original, especially one that you created.
